WalletNow pool on Tosdis extended

3 min readSep 13, 2021


We have extended the duration of our LP staking pool on Tosdis!

The new end date is September 29th, and the rewards rate remain unchanged. Don’t miss this opportunity and stake now for incredible rewards (~310 $WNOW per hour): https://app.tosdis.finance/poolView?pool=0x5df18b50208c11ed47a6d58e895277a20176e967

In order to participate you need to add WNOW-BNB liquidity on PancakeSwap and then stake the LP tokens.

If you are not familiar with how to do that, we will guide you here. The main steps are:

  1. Adding $WNOW to your list on PancakeSwap
  2. Buying WNOW
  3. Adding liquidity
  4. Staking on Tosdis

1. Adding $WNOW to your list on PancakeSwap

To add liquidity, you need must fist add $WNOW on PancakeSwap.


Click on "Select a currency"

Then on Manage Tokens

Click on "Tokens"

Enter the $WNOW address: 0x56aa0237244c67b9a854b4efe8479cca0b105289 and click on "Import"

Click on "In understand" and then on "Import" again.

You now have $WNOW on your list of tokens.

2. Buying WNOW

To add liquidity, you need to buy the amount of WNOW you want to stake: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x56aa0237244c67b9a854b4efe8479cca0b105289

To do that, select WNOW on the list:

Let's say you want to buy 1 BNB worth of WNOW:

Once you selected the amount, just click on Swap

And then on “Confirm Swap”:

After a while you should have $WNOW on your wallet.

3. Adding liquidity

Open the liquidity page: https://pancakeswap.finance/liquidity and click on Add Liquidity.

Select BNB and WNOW on the list. On WNOW, click "MAX" if you want to stake them all, or type the amount you want.

Then click on Supply and Confirm Supply:

Once the transaction is processed, your will have LP tokens, which you can now Stake to earn rewards.

4. Staking on Tosdis

Open our pool https://app.tosdis.finance/poolView?pool=0x5df18b50208c11ed47a6d58e895277a20176e967 and select "BSC" on the top-right.

Click on "APPROVE" to approve the deposit.

Once the transaction is completed, click on "Stake"

Click on MAX and then on STAKE again:

Congratulations, you have successfully staked into our fabulous rewards pool!




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