How to migrate LPs from Tosdis to AutoShark
Our Tosdis pool is ending soon, which means it will stop emitting rewards.
The good news is that we have a WNOW-BNB farm open on AutoShark, with amazing returns!
To migrate from one to another, just follow these steps:
1. Unstake from Tosdis
Head to our pool:
(Make sure you selected "BSC" on the top-right to see the pool):
Click on "UNSTAKE":
Then on MAX:
And then on UNSTAKE again:
Confirm in your wallet application and wait for the confirmation:
2. Break the LP on PancakeSwap
Open and wait for the liquidity to show up:
Click on the "arrow down" and then on "Remove":
Click on "Max" to select all our LP tokens:
Then click on "Remove":
Sign the transaction and wait for it to be confirmed.
3. Add liquidity on AutoShark
Navigate to and click on "Add Liquidity"
Then Select BNB and WNOW:
Click "MAX" on WNOW and then on Supply and Confirm Supply:
Sign the transaction and wait for it to complete.
4. Stake the LP tokens on AutoShark
Navigate to and find the WNOW farm:
Expand it and then click on "ENABLE FARM":
Sign the transaction and wait for it to complete. Now you can click on Stake LP
Select "Max" and then Confirm
Sign the transaction and wait for it to complete.
Congratulations, you are now farming WNOW-BNB with superb returns!